Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Ahh, Kelsey. Where oh where do I begin...

Kelsey is third in line behind my brother and I. It's kind of hard to pinpoint Kelsey's personality because I feel like she has muuuultiple. She's evil, yet sweet. Dramatic yet realistic. Intimidating yet sensitive. However, I think we can all agree on one thing: she's awesome.

I suppose to the naked eye, Kelsey appears to be, well, a bitch. She's confident, driven, doesn't take BS, and yes she has punched a kid in the face at an LSU football game for making fun of her boyfriend. Her best friends are mainly guys, and she claims it's because "girls hate me when they first meet me." Uhh, DUH. You're beautiful, smart, hilarious, and you have no reservations when it comes to throwing a drink in a beezy's face. I would hate you, too.
But I'm getting too far ahead of myself... Let's go back to when Kelsey was a precious, sweet, little delicate flower (believe it or not, there was a time). I remember we all got fish when we were children. Kevin named his Michaelangelo (or something gay), mine was named Redhead, and what did little Kelsey name her fish? Cinderella-Snow White-Sleeping Beauty. Quite the tongue twister, but it goes to show that Kelsey believed in a magical land of princesses and sunshine and marshmallow clouds. That didn't last long, because, like I mentioned in my last post, Kevin and I sort of beat the happiness out of Kelsey and turned her into a the sarcastic, cynical young lady that she is today. (Don't worry, I got my payback in high school).
Despite making her cry all the time, Kelsey and I were AWESOME growing up. Just two peas in a pod torturing our au pairs (causing several to quit) and pretending to be Power Rangers (she called dibs on the pink one so I had to be the Asian. So pissed). The world was ours for the taking, and the only thing more fun than playing Harriet the Spy or putting on dance recitals to the Tarzan soundtrack was making Kylie's life a living hell. (See next post).
I think it was around middle school that Kelsey realized being known as "Kara's Sister" wasn't cutting it and hence made it her goal in life to be the exact opposite of me. I was good. Kelsey wanted to be bad. And ta-dah! Kelsey The Badass was born.

Back in high school, I really wished that my parents waited another year before doing the no-pants-dance. Being a close 16 months apart in age was not ideal, especially when you have two on-edge adolescent females living within 20 feet of one another and sharing a bathroom. We fought over everything. ev-er-y-thang-uh. Life was a competition, and damnit I wanted to win. We fought over clothes, boys, friends, makeup.. you name it. We even made a competition out of who had more friends on our AOL buddy list. (I may or may not have added fake screennames to my list in an attempt to be victorious... just sayin'). Also, Kelsey used to lock our stupid dog in my room so that he would poop on my carpet. Every day, without fail, I'd come home from diving practice and there'd be a nice little surprise for me in the corner of the room, which I appropriately named the "shit corner". Come to think of it, teenaged Kelsey kinda sucked.

Of course, our adolescent years were not all bad. We had some kickass adventures (like the time we got chiggers running from the cops), but once the pearly white gates of high school closed on us, Kelsey and I's relationship improved and now she's less evil and more awesome. She's always there for me when I need her... and more than likely with a bottle of vodka in her hand. Love you to death, and cheers to being the cat's meowwww, lil' sis.

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